

Move the camera with the mouse, scroll to adjust the zoom level.


The basic explanation of what CineMraft is, is that it is a voxel world generator and renderer. Generating a voxel world is simple, simply use some noise, I use simplex-noise, and fill the world with blocks up to a height that is described by the noise function of that coordinate.

The trickiest thing with voxel worlds is to render them efficiently. The naive way to render a voxel world is to just render each cube, but since there are so many cubes in a world this scales very poorly. A quick and easy performance boost can be achieved by using instancing when rendering our cubes, which increases the performance by reducing draw calls, but is still far from what we can achieve.

The way that I render my chunks, as well as Minecraft to my knowledge, is that I create a single mesh from a chunk of blocks. I check for every block if the faces are visible, if they are I add them to the mesh. This causes a bit more CPU consumption but reduces our GPU consumption drastically, since we only need to draw the visible faces.

There are ways to improve performance even more, one way is to combine multiple neighbouring faces on the same plane with the same texture, one such method is greedy meshing, but I don't plan on doing anything more complex than creating a face for each visible side of the blocks.