

Select a rom to start playing.


DPAD - Arrow keys
B - Z
A - X
Start - Enter
Select - Right Shift

F - Toggle Fullscreen


Nemu is my own NES emulator written in Rust.

Currently only games running on mapper 0 are supported. Different game carts have different internal wiring which must be emulated, at the moment I have only implemented one type of cart. Some games that should run are Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros 1, and Ice Climber. I have not begun emulating the audio either.


If you would like you are more than welcome to check it out on GitHub!


Thanks to:

  • The NESDev wiki for providing a reference for the NES hardware
  • Nestest for providing a great test suite for the CPU
  • javid9x for videos explaining how the NES PPU works
  • The wonderful people over at r/EmuDev's Discord.